ASI, Air Susu Ibu, Cairan Cinta, cairan yang banyak manfaatnya bagi umat manusia, terutama jabang bayi. Kandungan ASI nyaris tak terdandingi. Zat gizi yang terkandung didalamnya menunjang tumbuh kembang otak dan memperkuat daya tahan tubuh.
Kandungan Laktosa
Kita sering bertanya-tanya, kenapa dengan hanya minum ASI, bayi bisa kuat tidak kelaparan? rahasianya adalah kandungan Laktosa dalam ASI yang merupakan karbohidrat utama dalam ASI, dimana kita tahu karbohidrat yang berfungsi sebagai sumber energi. Olahan lanjut dari laktosa, glukosa dan galaktosa, berperan dalam perkembangan sistem syaraf.
Kandungan Lemak
Sumber energi yang lainnya didapat dari lemak. Selain sebagai sumber energi, lemak ini berfungsi menjaga suhu tubuh bayi. Kandungan lemak essentialnya, dalam tubuh bayi akan diproses menjadi AA dan DHA, untuk perkembangan otaknya.
Kandungan Protein
Kenapa seorang bayi bisa ingat, mengetahui ibunya? Karena dalam ASI ada komponen dasar protein, asam amino, sebagai pembentuk struktur dasar otak serta meningkatkan daya ingat bayi.
Kandungan Oligosakarida
Pemerintah melalui Departemen Kesehatan menggalakkan menyusui dengan ASI. Bayi yang disusui dengan susu selain ASI kekebalan tubuhnya lebih rendah daripada bayi dengan susuan ASI. Dalam ASI terdapat kandungan Oligosakarida, komponen bioaktif yang berfungsi memperkuat daya tahan tubuh bayi terhadap serangan virus dan bakteri merugikan.
Selain kandungan-kandungan yang bermanfaat diatas, Cairan Cinta ini memiliki kelebihan lain, more fresh, more healthier, and free. Beda dengan susu non-ASI, kita harus menyediakan dalam kondisi temperature yang tepat, ribet banget, serta untuk mendapatkan kandungan yang setara dengan ASI dibutuhkan keuangan lebih, jika tidak tepat bisa-bisa jadi tidak sehat.
Alhamdulillah, anak kami, Muhammad Hafiz Zulfikar, sudah lulus tahap pertama, 6 bulan ASI Exclusive, semoga bisa lulus sampai 2 tahun.Amiin. Alhamdulillah dengan pemberian ASI Exclusive, anak kami sehat dan tambah cerdas dan pintar dari hari kehari.
Allah memberikan anugerah tiada tara dalam ASI.Subhanallah. InsyaAllah, ini merupakan ladang amal bagi orang tua bayi, khususnya Ibu. Tidak ada halangan untuk memberikan ASI, yang terpenting bertekad kuat untuk memberikannya, ASI tidak keluar, coba terus jangan pantang menyerah. Anda seorang ibu karier, Anda bisa memberikannya dengan ASI dalam botol. Anda ibu yang tidak bisa memberikan ASI, carilah ibu susu seperti yang pernah dicontohkan Rasululloh SAW.
I Love ASI, Cairan Cinta Tiada Tara
[English version]
Liquid of Love
"The mothers should suckle their children for two whole years, for those who want to enhance the breastfeeding. And the father's obligation to feed and clothes to mothers by doing good. A person is not burdened but according to ability levels. No mother sufferings because his son and a father for his son, and heir shall be chargeable thereby, if they want to wean (before two years) with both voluntary and deliberation, then there is no blame on them and if you want your son in the feed by others, it is no sin for you if you make payments according to the worth. But fear Allah and know that Allah is Seer of what ye do " {Q.S. Al-Baqoroh : 233}
If you're just starting out with breastfeeding, you're doing the right thing for your baby. If it doesn't come naturally, try not to worry. Plenty of mums have to practice and persevere until they get the hang of it.
Breast milk is the best food for your baby and mother. Ask any health professional, and they will say that the healthiest way to feed your baby is to breastfeed her or him. Babies who are breastfed from birth are much less likely to be ill in their first year of life. Being breastfed may help your baby fend off illnesses.
The World Health Organization and the Department of Health recommend that babies are given only breast milk for their first six months. They also say that women should carry on breastfeeding after their babies have started on solids, until the end of the first year and beyond if they wish.
Nutrients contained in it to support brain growth and strengthen the immune system. The content is as follows:
We often wonder, why with just drinking milk, a baby can be strong not to starve? The secret is the content of lactose in milk which is the main carbohydrate in breast milk, where we know the carbohydrate that serves as an energy source. Next process from lactose, glucose and galactose, was instrumental in the development of the nervous system.
We often wonder, why with just drinking milk, a baby can be strong not to starve? The secret is the content of lactose in milk which is the main carbohydrate in breast milk, where we know the carbohydrate that serves as an energy source. Next process from lactose, glucose and galactose, was instrumental in the development of the nervous system.
Another source of energy derived from fat. Aside from being a source of energy, fat serves to keep the baby's body temperature. The content of essential fats, the baby's body will be processed into AA and DHA, for brain development
Another source of energy derived from fat. Aside from being a source of energy, fat serves to keep the baby's body temperature. The content of essential fats, the baby's body will be processed into AA and DHA, for brain development
Why would a baby could remember, knowing her mother? Because in breast milk there are basic components of proteins, amino acids, as forming the basic structure of the brain and improve memory baby.
Why would a baby could remember, knowing her mother? Because in breast milk there are basic components of proteins, amino acids, as forming the basic structure of the brain and improve memory baby.
Government through the Ministry of Health to promote breast-feeding with breast milk. Breast-fed infants with milk other than breast milk immune lower than feed the babies in breast milk. Oligosaccharides, one of the ingredients in breast milk, the bioactive component that serves to strengthen baby's immune system against viruses and harmful bacteria.
Government through the Ministry of Health to promote breast-feeding with breast milk. Breast-fed infants with milk other than breast milk immune lower than feed the babies in breast milk. Oligosaccharides, one of the ingredients in breast milk, the bioactive component that serves to strengthen baby's immune system against viruses and harmful bacteria.
Breast Milk has other advantages, more fresh, more healthier, and free. Differences with non-breast milk, we must provide the proper conditions of temperature, very complicated, and to get the content which is equivalent to breast milkneeds more financial, if not exactly might be unhealthy
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